Hey Robin. Thank you for the birthday wishes. BTW, did you mean every year you aspire to be as mature as me? (Rather than as old as me.)
But you don’t feel like you ever get there. Now that makes more sense!!
Although to state the obvious, we are doing our best to give you every opportunity to catch up!!
Let me fill you in.
But first … the privilege of doing this – taking a year out with your family. I love it.
I’m relieved to say that we’ve all changed. This is getting easier by the day. The boys in particular have changed. Their work attitude has improved 100%, they contribute more positively, travel better and don’t complain. Everything is much smoother. And there is less pressure on Ajay. We’ve stayed ‘off-road’ several times, and have stayed at small villages with no electricity and round mud huts several times. And all the way to the other end of the scale too. 100 pounds for camping per night…!
I still am not sure if I would actually recommend a trip like this … between you, me and the gate post. We seem to sail perilously close to the wind maybe a little too often, which I don’t always enjoy at the time.
Today Ajay took Portia and Eden just 200m off the lip of the
Our new car is going nicely, on the whole. We came up through
I feel as if we have one ‘drama’ after another. We did some ‘wild’ camping just before Christmas, the first we’d done in
The first river crossing was in the middle of the Okavango Delta. We were in the middle of nowhere again, relying on the laptop and using Tracks for
Maturity. Now there’s an ambiguous quality!!!